Saturday, November 26, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving All!

We had a very nice Thanksgiving down at Nancy's folks' place in Lamberton. We did a combination of Christmas and Thanksgiving so not only was there turkey and ham, there were presents! Nancy's mom, Mary Lou, sets a beautiful table.

And the girls each got their own pumpkin pie! And they each almost ate the entire pie by the end of the weekend. They must get that from me, since Nancy hates pumpkin pie.

The girls' favorite gift? Or at least the one they spent the most time playing with this weekend? A set of armor with shields, vambraces, and two swords! They spent so much time swordfighting that one of the swords was broken. Behold, my warrior princesses!

She strikes a pose!

The fearsome battle cry!

We spent some time tooling around Southwestern MN on Friday. The effects of Katrina are still being felt down there. Everywhere we went there were huge piles of corn just sitting, waiting to be picked up and shipped somewhere. But, since the port of New Orleans has been closed for so long there's a huge backlog of corn that hasn't been sent downriver. Nancy said she doesn't remember ever seeing this much corn. Every town had a pile like this or larger. This one is in Lamberton, right next to the swimming pool Nancy used to lifeguard at.

Sorry we missed you all this weekend, but we're going to try to get up to Bemidji between now and Christmas. Hope to see you soon!