Friday, September 9, 2005

Speaking of chili

The couple who tried to get money from Wendy's has finally plead guilty to attempted grand theft and conspiring to file a false claim? I don't know why, but this story has fascinated me since the beginning. I mean, who actually sits around and says to themselves, "I know! I'll get a human finger, stick it in a bowl of chili and then try to sue the restauraunt. Brilliant!"

Not only did she plead guilty to this little scheme, but she also plead guilty to selling a motorhome she didn't own. Her husband/boyfriend/co-conspirator also plead guilty to failing to pay child support.

Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Empty Nesting

Well, Dale & I are officially empty nesters...although, we have been practicising this for a couple of years when Katie has been on a trip, etc., she always came home. I think that we are doing fine and knew this day would come...afterall, who wants an adult son/daughter living with them indefinitely?
However, the empty space in my heart is definitely real and I would be lying to say that I don't miss her! There are little things that I really didn't think about that I miss...things like: leaving the outside light on for her when she comes home; seeing her "things" on the stairs; planning when to take my shower (not to interfere with her time); counting on her to feel Isabelle; and the "hi, Mom!" greetiing.
I know that we will be fine and we will celebrate her accomplishments as she reaches her goals, but darn it! I can still miss her! I wonder if she is missing us, too?