Saturday, April 26, 2008

More Snow

April 26, 2008
Bemidji, Minnesota
Overnight there must be at least 8 inches of new snow. Right now, snow is still falling at a good clip. I know the Robins are a little mixed up-Nancy and I had already did most of the yard work and I was hoping to start tilling the garden this weekend-Not any more!

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Well, I officially went on my first vacation as a grown up by myself. I was a little bit nervous about the whole navigating through airports by myself, but I did pretty good, I didn't miss any flights and I made it home safe and sound with my luggage and everything. I went on a vacation to North Carolina for about 5 days to visit one of my friends from nursing school who moved out there. It was fun and relaxing. I had never really been out to the East Coast, so it was nice being out there. We spent a couple days on the beach and then spent the rest of the time sight seeing and just relaxing. I definitely needed to relax because I moved to a new apartment a couple days before I left on vacation. So, when I got home from vacation, I had to clean my old apartment from top to bottom and unpack all of my stuff at my new apartment. I finally finished cleaning my old apartment today and I'm slowly unpacking at my new place. My goal is to have the majority of my stuff unpacked and put away before I go back to work on Monday night. I took 36 hours of PTO and I had a total of 12 days off in a row. It's been wonderful and it will probably be hard to go back to work. But, I just thought I'd put up a lil update on my life and a couple pictures from vacation. Hope everyone is doing well. I don't know if anyone is planning on making a trip down to Rochester for Grandpa's recovery, but I'm planning on going to Rochester next Friday and staying the weekend, so hopefully I'll be able to see some of you!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Wild Vermilion, Who Knew?

Wild Vermilion, Who Knew
In the March/April issue of Volunteer magazine, the article "Vision for Vermilion," caught me by surprise. They (DNR) are proposing a new state park on land currently owned by US Steel. The funding for the 3,000 acres is being debated in the current session of the Minnesota Legislature and time is running out because the DNR has until sometime in July to reach an agreement. The other alternative is for this shoreline to be a subdivision with approximately 150 homes.
What an opportunity for us and future outdoor enthusiastists! Log on to to view the slideshow and learn more about this wonderful proposal.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

I'm Back (again)

As some of you may know our computer took a dive again-but we're back in business again. When we go it backed and checked e-mail, there was a laptop on Tiger direct for $399-our repair was $250?????
Anyway it was a nice break but I am happy to be back on line.