Thursday, August 21, 2008

God's Corn Recipe

It harvest time-and here is a good recipe for freezing some of summers sweet corn-

8 cups of corn
2-cups water
1-Tablespoon Salt
2-Table Sugar
pepper to taste (if desired)

Cook for about 5 minutes or untill hot
(NOTE from the Author) Corn shold not be cooked too long-it gets tough

Note Auther cooks three batches in a single pan to save time.

Cool-put in freezer bags and freeze.

Here is another very good Recipe from Joann Krause

16-20 cups of corn

1 pint half and half

1 lb of butter

Cover, bake @ 350 for one hour-cool and put into freezer bags.

Back to school for a retiree

Just because one is retired doesn't mean that one can't go back to school in the fall.

My friend, Diane, and I signed up the other day for a World Geography class at the University of
St. Thomas. Retirees are able to audit up to 3 regular classes for the grand total of $25 per semester--what a deal! The instructor is supposed to be really good and I'm looking forward to sitting in a classroom again--with no papers and no tests!

I just finished a 6-wk. class in Nordic walking--no classroom, though. I've been trying to go for a Nordic walk most mornings. Today I took a 5 minute drive to the Gateway Trail and found that I much preferred that to walking on the streets and sidewalks. By 9:00, as I headed back to my car, there were already 7 cars there just at my little portion of the trail. Lots of people out early on bikes, on foot and on horseback.

The other "schooling" I'm contemplating is taking some classes to sharpen my bridge playing. The only down side to that is that I'd probably have to do it in Minneapolis.

I spent my first year in retirement doing some R&R and trying to clean out the house. The house isn't finished yet, but I'm going to move on to my second year of trying new things. I think I've got a good start.

I have added some names to be automatically e-mailed when someone posts on the family blog-(If you recieved this by e-mail, you are one of the people). I am hoping that you join us once in a while, post whats going on in your life etc-
To view the blog go to . If you want to post but forgot how or what your password is-you can contact Pete, Nick, Anna or myself and wer can reinvite you.
Please join us!