Saturday, December 30, 2006

Experimental Soup

We invited Grandma and Grandpa over for lunch on Saturday. We have a problem with vegans and meat eaters in the family. I wanted to insure that everyone would be able to eat what we prepared. I thought we should have some traditional soup like vegatable or tomato soup. But Randee had a different idea. She is preparing White Bean, Squash andKale soup. It seems like a kind of weird soup to me, but I am becoming more open to vegan meals. When we invited Mom and Dad, I did not know what we were going to make so I called it Randee's Experimental Soup. I think Dad was liking that but I think he may eat before he come here. We'll see how it goes...

Friday, December 29, 2006

Happy New Year!

Well, here we are at the close of another! As the saying goes, "where does the time go?" We wanted to wish everyone a very Happy New Year!

So far, we've had a very nice holiday season...and connecting with family has been wonderful as it is nice to see each & every one of you. Thanks for making the effort to visit with us, too...we are grateful for that. And, seeing Randee each year...well, that is a bonus. And for those of you we've missed seeing, well, we did miss you.

Most years by now, our holiday season is winding down...& we are putting Christmas away, finishing the holiday food, &(sometimes) throwing out holiday goodies, BUT this year we are so fortunate to continue our vacation by celebrating in Florida with Aaron. It will be great...& we are excited to check out his "new" spot & reconnect with him. So, tomorrow Dale, Katie & I are flying to Mpls. from Bemidji & Alicia & Kane are flying in from St. Cloud to Mpls. where we will all be on the same flight to Ft. Myers! Very exciting. It will be so much fun...!

We will try to post some pics!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

more pics from Scott

Still a Mom

Christmas Pictures from Scott

We had a very nice time in Duluth with Nick, Randee and Scott. thenks to Nick and Scott for hosting. We know its lots of work having people stay with you over the holidays.
Scott sent a few pictures and I thought I would share a few with you all.