Thursday, May 24, 2007

Tme Off

We are taking a Thursday and Friday off and with Monday being a holiday we will have five total days off. (Yahoo) This little mini vacation is hard earned and this is what we have planned.

Thursday-Drive to Grand Forks to get Nancy's ID card updated at the Air Base-Go to the commissary to get some good deals on groceries, check out the PX, etc
Friday-Get our Rental House cleaned and ready for the next renters. Repair leaks under sink, fix the screen door, tighten all loose door knobs and hinges, check and clean the furnace and other appliances. Sweep out the cob webs and the floor in the basement, Paint the entry way floor, spot paint as needed. Clean all the light fixtures, replace battery in all seven smoke detecters. Have the furnace inspected etc
Saturday-More of Friday (shampoo carpets-wash and wax floors, cut and trim the grass, add new landscape blocks and haul in some fill dirt, plant new flowers)
Sunday-Continued from Saturday- Paint the fence, clean the garage,paint the window trim etc.
Monday-Turn over Rental to new collage kids (if we are done)

Tuesday-Back to work-Refreshed and ready to take on the world!