Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Empty Nesting

Well, Dale & I are officially empty nesters...although, we have been practicising this for a couple of years when Katie has been on a trip, etc., she always came home. I think that we are doing fine and knew this day would come...afterall, who wants an adult son/daughter living with them indefinitely?
However, the empty space in my heart is definitely real and I would be lying to say that I don't miss her! There are little things that I really didn't think about that I miss...things like: leaving the outside light on for her when she comes home; seeing her "things" on the stairs; planning when to take my shower (not to interfere with her time); counting on her to feel Isabelle; and the "hi, Mom!" greetiing.
I know that we will be fine and we will celebrate her accomplishments as she reaches her goals, but darn it! I can still miss her! I wonder if she is missing us, too?


Anna said...

Lois, I'm sure she's missing you too. Is she going to join us on our blog? When I went to school my freshman year, that was very hard for me. I didn't want my parents to leave me in such a big place where I didn't know anyone. It just made me appreciate going home so much more. The homemade food was soooo nice to have because the cafeteria food got very old very fast. But now that I'm living in my own house with a couple other girls, I get to cook whatever I want all the time.

Lois said...

I know that Katie has been invited, but she hasn't accepted the invite, so Anna her email address is:

She lives in an on-campus apartment & does her own cooking!
So, she doesn't have to put up with "dorm food."