Saturday, December 10, 2005

College & Finals

Just checking in with all college is everything going now that finals week is just a few days away?

I am a college lab assistant at NTC & one thing never ceases to amaze me...the way college students all of a sudden "need me," and want me to change my schedule to "help" them. My schedule has been posted since the first of September...where have they been?? Faces are strained, fists clenched, not many smiles, very tired will all be over soon, only to start the cycle again in January.

Good luck to all college students out there! As Anna said, "It is crunch time!"


Anna said...

Finals week is here! I never look forward to this week. But I look at it like this: After this semester, I only have 3 more finals weeks in my life :) Unless of course I decide to go onto school for my master's. I still haven't decided if that's something I want to do. I have 3 cumulative finals, one Mon, one Tues, one Wed. But, then I have a month off with nothing to worry about. That will be very nice. One thing I think I have learned about myself this semester is that I don't get stressed. I'm one of the few people I know of that don't get stressed, and I consider myself lucky. And tonight...instead of studying, I'm cleaning the house and making cookies :) It's so much more fun that studying. Hope everyone has a good weekend!

Frostbike said...

I have my one and only final tomorrow night. I've been studying on and off this week, probably not as much as I should have but what the heck. Then it's a free few weeks before my next class!

Matt said...

I have my last class of the semester on Thursday, but no final. Instead, I have a project which is due on the 22nd. Basically, I have to create an excel spreadsheet that calculates a detailed income tax provision for a company. Sounds exciting, huh? I'd rather do a project than take a final any day.