Monday, January 16, 2006

Back to school once again

Well...classes started last week Thurs and then I had a 4-day weekend. Kind of crazy, but oh well. It's so hard to believe that I only have 3 semesters left. I know time will fly, but I can't wait to be done. I just keep telling myself, 3 more... Yesterday I came down with a nasty cold. Excellent way to start off the semester...sick as a dog. Oh well, hopefully it will go away as fast as it came on. 16 credits this semester. It's going to be a lot of work! I'm hoping I can stay on top of all my reading....I'm thinking it's nearly impossible. So I'm going to have to pick a couple classes to read in and then say forget it in a couple other classes. Last semester I started out so good, but then ended up not reading for any of my classes at all. The nurses that I work with, they tell me they didn't read much in college, so it kind of puts my mind at ease when I think of how overwhelming everything is. Hope all is well with everyone!


Frostbike said...

The same thing happened to me, what with starting school and then having a short week. The beautiful thing is, I have only one class and it meets Monday nights, so I essentially got an entire week off school right away!

Anna said...

I guess you can't complain about that one.

Yon Saucy Wench said...

Hope you're feeling better, Anna!