Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Free Sharkey!

Oh no! Our most recent goofball for governor candidate, Jonathan Sharkey was arrested!

"Jonathon Sharkey, 41, of Princeton, was arrested Monday night on two felony counts from Indiana, said Mike Smith, the Mille Lacs County jail administrator. One warrant was for escape, another for stalking.
Sharkey was arrested by police in Princeton without incident"

Normally I wouldn't let a candidate getting arrested change my plan to vote for him or her (they're all crooks, getting arrested just means they're not a very good crook), but I don't believe I'll be voting for Mr. Sharkey after this incident. Why? He was "arrested by police in Princeton without incident." Without incident?? He's a vampyre, for cripe's sake! Trying to arrest a vampyre should result in chaos, mayhem and bloodletting! What kind of weenie vampyre is this guy? Really.

Complete Story

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