Sunday, June 25, 2006

Lounge About Report

Another lounge about year goes by and a BIG Thank You to Mandy Saunders who inspired us to do this annual event! For those of you who were not able or inclined to come this is my update for you. Thank you Dale G. For this picture to add to this article. We had a nice relaxing time again. It is great to get away from the day to day grind of everyday life and just decompress! That's what we did!
There were five camping families; Carol and Scott, Peter and Nancy(and Emma and Morgan), Lois and Dale, Alicia and Kane and Nancy and I were there with Joe and Dylan (our nephews from Nancy's sister Vicky). Joining us for Saturday were Bryce and Hildur, Bonnie, and Sara and Janae.
We started out by being the last campers to show up on Friday...And it was in the middle of a huge and really loud and wet thunderstorm, We got to our site and the rest of the campers were huddled under Lois and Dale's big canopy, keeping dry! We joined them and waited out the rain which did not last too long. We all then got the fires going, finished making camp and got down to business making supper. We all finished the night with a nice fire and of course S'mores and a few cocktails.
The next day we all had a shared a common breakfast and a pot luck main meal!
We had lots of great food...All the usual fare...Potato Salad, Corn on the Cob, Black Bean Salsa, Pasta Salad, Baked Beans and more... And of course lots of choices of beer and soft drinks and a good choice of mixed beverages as well. It was all good!
The keeper of the fire(Dale) came with a truck full of firewood and of course, his fire stick. He always does a great job of keeping the campfires going with both wood and great conversation. One of Pete's girls actually used Dale's fire poker without Dale even knowing it! (shhh).
Sunday morning we all sat around the camp fire and drank coffee and decided this was good enough to do it again next year and at the same campground. We soon broke down camp, took some group pictures and went on our separate ways. I cannot speak for the whole group but I had a good time and I will look forward to seeing more people next year!
PS...Please share your Lounge About Pictures with the rest of us!


AliciaKay said...

Thanks Gary for the will be great to remember back. It was really fun for Kane and I to see and spend time with you all.

Frostbike said...

My camera battery was completely dead at the end of the weekend. It's on the charger now, so I should be able to upload pics tonight!