Saturday, July 22, 2006

Set Up Crew

This is the best picture of the SET-UP crew for the 60th Anniversary.
I want to publicly thank those who helped. I did not have to ask any of these folks to do anything special...They just did.
These folks also stayed and helped with the clean up and there were a few more who really helped out a lot...Most
notably were Pete and Nick. I hope I did not forget any one.
Thank you to all!


Lois said...

To: Gary & Nancy

From: Two of the "Set-up People,"

A big enormous thanks to Gary & Nancy, too! Without your drive & determination as well as your creativity & hosting abilities, this party would never have happened...& we appreciate all of your hard work, too.

Dale & Lois

Frostbike said...

It was great to see everybody and to have everybody work together. A very well done party!

Matt said...

Yes, I think the biggest thanks goes out to Gary and Nancy. You let us invade your home and did the lion's share of the work. We really appreciate it.
