Sunday, April 1, 2007

Master Gardener's Garden Party

Yesterday Dale & I spent the day at a Master Gardener's Workshop here in Bemidji. It was wonderful! They had enthusiastic, knowledgeable speakers, great exhibitors and a nice luncheon. The place was packed! Dale was one of many lucky door prize winners & brought home a new book entitled, "Making the Most of Shade." It was the kind of day you came away f feeling, man, I can't wait to get started! First, I'll move all those rocks, trim all those unsightly branches and suckers, get the hoe and shovels sharpened & oiled...& in the afternoon I'll accomplish the rest of the chores!

Whoa...whoa...whoa! Since yesterday, I've re-evaluated my list of chores & it now goes like this:
If it takes me all summer to move that pile of rocks, than I've accomplished a lot, & trimming trees, well, one tree at a time, & why sharpen my hoe or oiled it for that matter...I' d rather buy a new one!

Sometimes reality can be so disappointing! However, I am looking forward to getting out in the yard & garden & getting my hands dirty.

1 comment:

Gary Lamon said...

That sound good to me also! Our Tulips are alrady up and growning!