Saturday, September 22, 2007

Green Tomato Pie

Miranda made an interesting desertGreen Tomato Pie-Its in the oven now and we'll be eating it in an hour!


Lois said...

It really looks did it taste?

Gary Lamon said...

Actually-very good-it tasted must like an green apple pie-ut it still looked like tomatoes.

Yon Saucy Wench said...

I remember reading about the Ingalls making a green tomato pie in "The Long Winter" and their surprise that it tasted like apples. I've got lots of green tomatoes in the garden...I think I need to try this. :-D

Gary Lamon said...

WE just "googled" a recipe and we found a few there. Hildur told us about them having this pie because they couldn't get apples when she was younger. Thanks for the Idea Mom!