Thursday, September 4, 2008

She's ready!

She hunts...
and fishes...
and snowmobiles...
and she is tough...
and she is an independant thinker...
and she supports the unions...
(at least her union card touting husband)

What more could Minnesota want?


Lois said...

You forgot cute! And, cute does appeal to the younger crowd.

Frostbike said...

What more could Minnesota want?

Somebody not quite so socially conservative...

Gary Lamon said...

Who do you have in mind?

Yon Saucy Wench said...

Someone who will recognize gay and lesbian partnerships as having the same inherent and legal worth as those of their heterosexual counterparts.

Someone who supports a comprehensive sex ed. program, not just abstinence-only (and not so effective) sex ed.

Someone who doesn't have ties to a group that wanted to secede from the United States of America.

Someone who believes in the separation of church and state, e.g. who understands that creationism should not be taught in public schools.

Someone who doesn't think that God wants a pipeline going through Alaska.


Gary Lamon said...

Interesting you pick the first one first-the leader of this republican ticket believes your first point...I have not heard her views on this issue-
Same with you second point-

And who were those people who wanted to secede and what is the connection????

McCain again... on the separation deal-

How do you get your gas for your car you drive almost daily??? Osmosis? or a pipeline?

Looks to me like you have 3 out of 4 of the candidates are dems running for office!
Can't we have one conservative running for the part?

Frostbike said...

Remember eight years ago? A governor who was a Washington outsider with a regional accent? He was feisty and glad-handing and a little pugnacious? We were told that the key thing about him was that he was a reform governor? And (based on his education proposals rather than his biography) that he cared about families? But he hadn’t traveled much? And he didn’t know much about foreign countries?

Remember how that turned out?

Gary Lamon said...

You must have watched Jon Stewart last night...

Frostbike said...

Yes, I'm not generally that clever on my own. :)