Monday, October 31, 2005

Trick or treat

'Tis the season...

Mandy's at school tonight, so I'm all by myself handing out the candy. We had 87 kids last year. I'm hoping we have a good turnout this year too, otherwise I'll be snacking for weeks!


Frostbike said...

We had about 8 kids all night, so we've got plenty of leftovers too. Plus all the stuff the girls hauled in tonight. Ugh.

AliciaKay said...

We had about 75 little goblins and a few bigger goblins that were a bit old to be out (when they are older then the person handing out candy...they are too old!)

Matt said...

We ended up with about 60 this year. A little down, but not too bad. A great night for kids to be out and about.