Wednesday, July 5, 2006

New Fair Food?

I realize that the State Fair doesn't start for another two months, but is it ever too early to ponder what the new "food on a stick" for this year will be? I didn't think so either. I think last year it was the deep fried Snickers bar, and recently we had pork chops on a stick. What new gastrointestinal delight could await?

This morning while I was waiting for a file to load at work I read a blog to keep myself entertained. And this blog may have accidentally revealed what this year's new Fair food is. It's new to me, anyway. It's The Cream Pickle Pup. The what, you say? I'll say it again. The Cream Pickle Pup. Here's the theory. Take a giant dill pickle (available on a stick at the Fair for years) and somehow hollow it out. Then fill it with cream cheese. Dip it in batter and deep fry (obviously) that sucker.

When I first read about this, I thought ewwwww. But then the next line got me. She writes: "It improbably manages to combine the best elements of a jalapeno popper and a cake donut. Tart, salty, mellow, sweet, pillowy, cheesy, crunchy." Mmmmm. I might need to go to the Fair this year.


Gary Lamon said...

The most unusual stuff on a stick I ever had was "gater on a stick", tasted a bit like chicken...doesn't everything?
Catfish on a stick was pretty darn good and everyones favorite in Oklahoma was Rattle Snake on a Stick. Tasted a bit like chicken...

Anna said...

Wow...that might be worth making a trip to the cities to try sometime. Kinda weird, but I'm sure it can't be too bad otherwise they wouldn't serve it, right?