Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Coffee Quotes

Just received my new Midwest Living Magazine & read the following quotes:

"Coffee should be black as hell, strong as death and as sweet as love."
-Turkish Proverb

"The morning cup of coffee has an exhilaration about it which the cheering influence
of the afternoon or evening cup of tea cannot be expected to reproduce."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

"Behind every successful woman (or man) is a substantial amount of coffee."
-Stephanie Piro

And, this is one of the more popular ones we've probably all heard:

"Chocolate, men, coffee...some things are better rich."
-Author Unknown

Enjoy your coffee!!


Gary Lamon said...

Dunn Bros Expresso is my favorite!

Frostbike said...

I need to get out and get some good coffee. The stuff we have here at work is just not good.

Lois said...

A good cup is hard to beat...go for it, Pete!

Matt said...

Coffee pots aren't even allowed at my work. If I want coffee, I have to bring it from home in a thermos or go down three floors to a cafeteria and buy it. The purchased coffee is good, but it's much cheaper to bring it.