Friday, November 10, 2006

Gas Prices and The Republicans

I hear a lot of people suggesting the Republicans had something to do with the falling price of fuel prior to the election. Now that the dems are clearly in charge, gas should start dropping fairly quickly. Many people said it was to keep the Republicans in power...We'll it did not work so lets just keep track of this trend. My guess is that the gas should be on a downward spiral starting about the 20th of January 2007. We'll see!


Lois said...

It sounds like January 20 will be a momentus day for us.

Thanks, Gary for posting all of this, too.

Frostbike said...

The recent decrease in oil prices has less to do with politics and more to do with the futures market. Goldman Sachs, one of the largest energy traders in the US, recently dumped most of it's gasoline futures positions, and there was a corresponding drop in gas prices. Basic market economics.

Now, I could put on my tinfoil hat and say that Goldman did this near the November elections at the request of the Republicans. The current Bush-appointed Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson, was the CEO of Goldman Sachs until 2005...

Yon Saucy Wench said...

Now, I could put on my tinfoil hat and say that Goldman did this near the November elections at the request of the Republicans. The current Bush-appointed Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson, was the CEO of Goldman Sachs until 2005...

But we all know that that would never happen. Right?

Gary Lamon said...

And I thought no one was reading the blog...