Friday, November 10, 2006

Happy Days are here again!

Just what is your fair share? The more you make the more they take. Will us guys in the lower bracket see our taxes go up or down under thes new politacal leadership both on a local and national level? I know I enjoyed my taxes going down...remember the checks you got for surpluses in Minnesota? Did you send yours back to the treasurer?


Yon Saucy Wench said...

Any decrease in my income taxes has been more than offset by the increase(s) in my property taxes.

Nick said...

Weren't the surplus checks a product of Jesse Ventura? I don't think that the republicans or GW had much to do with that one. That was some time ago.

I don't mind if the rich pay more taxes....they've got the money anyways. If I were in the 200K to 300K I don't think I would mind.

Matt said...

Yeah, property taxes were brutal this year. Mine went up about 20%.

And that damn (pardon my language) St. Paul school levy passed by a 2-to-1 margin. I don't mind supporting the schools (I voted yes for it in '04), but not only did they renew what was set to expire, they doubled the new levy!