Monday, June 4, 2007

Happy Birthday!

I just realized that today is Pete's (38th?) birthday. I do think I did the math right, but maybe Pete would like to weigh in on that! Being the first g'child on the Lamon side, we pretty much remember when he was born, including the year. So, happy birthday, Pete! Just think in a couple of years, you will be as old as the rest of us!

And, not to let Matt down, it was just his birthday, too...that means that if Pete is 38, then Matt is 34, right? (May 24th). The Saunders do have a couple other b'days, the twins, aged 8 now, and they told me that they had a very nice birthday!

Happy Birthday!


Gary Lamon said...

I am just going to wait here at 51 till you catch up with me!
Happy Birthday!

Frostbike said...

Good luck with the waiting. Yes, I turned 38 this year, today. Only two more years left in my 30s. But that's OK. I hear 40 is the new 30. ;-) Thanks for the birthday wishes!

Anna said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Matt said...

Yes, quite a few birthdays all crammed together. I am 34 now, and Mandy and I had a pretty uneventful day, all in all.