Sunday, November 11, 2007

Remember Those Who Served

Veteran's Day for me means remembering and honoring the service of those that served.

The old guys-Bryce and his brothers- The Gregerson Boys (whom I will not name)-when they went to war it was "for the duration" and they did not know when they would see home next-Many were gone 3-6 years straight and knew that they were in for the long haul! Most all able bodied men and women either went to war or were somehow supporting the war-

Dad, Thank you for your service!
Cedric-Was also in the "big one". I am remembering you today!
Al Lamon-(Dad's Brother) was in for over 15 years-Thank you Al-for your service!
Scott Saunders, (Viet Nam Era)Thank you Scott, for your service!

Russel Lamon- Russel was in for over 15 years-I saw him while we Germany-Thank you, Russel for your service!

Matt Saunders-Thank you Matt, for your service-If my memory is correct-Matt served for 3-4 years

and our most recent vet...

Mike Lamon. As most of you know Mike has recently returned from Combat operations in Iraq-He was injured and received the purple heart-I am really happy he came back from this one alive. Mike-Thank you for your service!
I am VERY PROUD of all of our families vets!

I may have missed someone but I hope not- If so let me know. (the memory is the first to go).


Frostbike said...

Great post, Gary. Thanks to all who served.

Lois said...

Hey, did miss someone...YOU! Thanks for your service, too!