Monday, October 6, 2008

Fire Stick Dilema

 We visited Nick and Scott a couple of weeks ago and had a very nice fire in the new fire pit-But there was one thing missing-a fire poker-So Nancy and I have been searching for just the right kind of poker-

But I am not sure they are really up to or able to use such a cool poker as this one- Since Dale was original (father of the fire poker) I thought we should ask him for his insight.
Oh Great Father of the  Poker(Dale)-Hear our words...
Shall we allow them to
1) Use it untrained or unsupervised-no training needed?
2) Let them be trained during long bonfires (for a few summers) at family outings.
3) Not let them into the(Holder of the Poker) fold- ever-(after all-they live in a city)

Now you other fire guys (or gals), you can chime in as well-What should we do?


Lois said...

This is quite a dilemma, huh?
Nick...what do you & Scott think?

Frostbike said...

Give it to me. I'll break it in for them for the next several years. ;-)