Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Twin Cities 10 Mile

If you'll look carefully, there's a familiar looking guy in a long sleeve shirt running like the wind. Yep, that's me. If it's a little fuzzy, that's because the camera had a little trouble focusing on something moving so fast!

This pic was taken during the final moments of the Twin Cities 10 Mile run this past Sunday. It was a great run.


Frostbike said...

Lookin' good, bro!

Gary Lamon said...

zoom zoom zoom-
I would be lucky to walk ten miles let alone run ten miles...I think I'll go back to boot camp and get back into shape...

Lois said...

Thanks for sharing your picture, Matt...great accomplishment, too!

Yon Saucy Wench said...

That's so damn cool.

So, what's next...the marathon? :D