Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Early Morning Surprise

At 4:30 am the phone rings...I shake out of bed-run to the answering machine to get the phone-our next door neighbor Joel was already talking...the first words I heard was "...a bear is wrecking your bird feeder..." I went to the window and looked at the feeder and indeed it was a bear-a big bear. I ran and got my Nancy...she came running... Now I don't know how to gage how big a bear is but when he stood up next to the feeder-he was just the right size to eat directly out of it without have to stretch to reach or bend over...my first guess is nearly six foot tall. We got the camera out but no pictures we good enough to post...sorry...we're sleepy and it darkish out. What a early morning surprise.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Sounds pretty exciting (as long as you're inside and it's outside).