Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July 1, 2009

It's almost over-summer I mean-although weatherwise, its really just getting to the are are swimming...but its almost done. The days are already getting a bit shorter...I haven't even camped yet...


Yon Saucy Wench said...

Our kids don't start school until Sept. 8th. (Boy, is that ever late.) We haven't even reached the summer vacation halfway point yet!

Frostbike said...

Dude, take the nails out of summer's coffin! It's not even the 4th!

Gary Lamon said...

There are at least two trains of thought when it comes to summer-maybe more. But I subscribe to the Joe Soucheray (Garage Logic-the Mayor...Flashlight king... fireworks com...)view-not the school summer vacation view-After the longest day of the year-days start to shorter...and I always consider 4 seasons- with 180+ days already past in the current year...the year is 1/2 over. That doesn't mean I've got the blues...I love the flowers, the gardens, campfires etc...