Sunday, July 23, 2006

Hot, Dry, & Unending

Well, the title really says it is 77 degrees inside & 92 outside & it is after 5:00 on Sunday afternoon. Our trees look like they have their leaves on upside down as they are curled upwards. When I walk on our grass it sounds like I am walking on ashes, crunch, crunch, crunch. I am hoping that we don't go too much longer without some badly needed moisture. It seems windier today than it has been recently...does that mean we are in for a change? I sure hope so. Is it quite dry in other parts??


Frostbike said...

It hasn't been quite that hot, but our grass is really dry and brown, and we need to water all our plants daily. We could use some rain...

Gary Lamon said...

It rained it Turtle River last night(Sunay)

Lois said...

It looked like we got some rain, too...I wonder how much. Yeah...we can really use it.

Yon Saucy Wench said...

Well...Pete's right, we are watering almost daily, but that's because I put in a bunch of new perennials and shrubs and I don't want to lose 'em! If they were more established I wouldn't be watering nearly much.

We hit 100 two Saturday's ago (7/15) (and Emma and Morgan did a lemonade stand; I'll have to put up the pictures), but then it cooled down and we got a good soaking Wednesday last week. That helped a little bit, but the stuff below the topsoil is still just dry dry dry.

Anna said...

We haven't had any touch of rain here for weeks. Maybe a drop here or there. we're getting some really strong storms..more yet to come later tonight. I don't know if it will even make a dent into the amount of rain we need. I think this is one of our first good thunderstorms all summer. Last week we had some really hot weather too. Glad it's cooled down.