Tuesday, November 7, 2006


I woke up this morning knowing that "today is the day," for a couple of things...voting & turning older. I share my b-day occasionally with our patriotic duty & right. For a couple of months now, I have been reminded of this day through emails, posters &, of course, the media. Won't it be nice to have November 7th behind us?

I have spent some time just reflecting...remembering...& reflecting again. I know that we hear people say, "where did the time go?" & I have been asking myself this question over the last half of this year.

The second half of my life is so different than the first half, not better, nor worse, only different. There are a couple of differences that I thought I'd share with all of you...& I am curious, does anyone else notice these differences?

The first difference has to do with the amount of people that are going through our doors on a daily & weekly basis. I used to think the door would fall off of its hinges due to overuse. The difference now has to do with the nest being empty...& when the nest was full, there were always kids, activity and noise around. Not bad, just different.

Another difference has to do with family get togethers and holidays...and getting our family to come together peacefully can be stressful. I heard something today that made sense to me...all families feel stress when everyone is together & there probably isn't a family alive that isn't dysfunctional to some degree. What does that mean? Does it mean that we are "normal" after all?? That is an interesting thought to me. Not different, not bad.

Reflecting, remembering...all the fun times that we had together...and hoping in the future there will be more times to reflect and remember. I guess that is what birthdays are for...to reflect & remember. Another difference, all good!


Matt said...

Thanks for sharing the thoughts. It's interesting how life can change in a relatively short period of time.

I hope you enjoyed a good birthday, Lois.

Yon Saucy Wench said...

Happy (belated) birthday, Lois!

Lois said...

Thanks for the b'day wishes.

Lois said...

Hey, Nancy:

I forgot to mention that my wonderful husband got me a h/p digital camera for my bday. I sure enjoy looking at your pics on your blog site. Thanks for sharing them with us.