Sunday, November 5, 2006

Two down-One to go!

With Sadam sentenced to die by hanging-that's two down and one to go...what about Kim? and Iran? and Saudi? There must be more...Darfor...


Nick said...

What good timing. What a coincidence.

Gary Lamon said...

Do you thing it was planned? I bet it was a vast right wing conspiricy... How about the cheaper oil you think they will shoot back up on the 8th?

Nick said...

Well most people know that the whole trial was a joke. I've read many articles that say the war tribunal didn't stand up to the the standards of international justice. Not that the verdict is wrong or unjust, but the methods of getting there were anything but judicial. The original judge stepped down because of all the pressure and criticism he was getting from top Iraqi officials--something that we would never tolerate here in the US. And this is not to mention all of the security issues.

Judging by the past rabbits that have been pulled out of hats before election day--I wouldn't doubt that there was some thought put towards the timing of the verdict.

According to a recent survey 42% (via MSNB)of Americans believe that the President had a hand in the recent drop in gas prices. While I don't think that the President had a hand in the prices, I do think the survey is very telling about the current administration.