Monday, August 22, 2005


Well I'm not sure if I've figured out the family blog yet or not, but I did find my invite e-mail in my junk e-mail so be sure to check yours if you haven't received it. Hope everyone is doing well! I'm thinking if I get a hang of this-- it could be a great way to let all of you know the info of the loungeabout! ~Mandy


Frostbike said...

But I thought you weren't doing the Loungeabout planning next year...

Unknown said...

You're partially right. I will be making the camping reservations for everyone; however, this will most likely be the first year Matt & I will not be attending the campout. We will both be taking summer courses so we may feel a little overwhelmed with school and family functions. As the time gets closer, we'll see how we feel. We've got a long time to consider it!

Lois said...

Oh-h, Mandy, you will really be missed, as will Matt! Maybe you can come for the noon meal on Saturday!!

Hopefully, while going to school, you will need a break & change your mind. (boy, am I being selfish, huh?) You are just nice to have around.