Thursday, August 11, 2005

Just a note on greatfulness

This past week at work, we had one of the sweetest couples come in a deliver a healthy baby girl. I will remember them for a long time. This was their first baby. About 3 years ago, they had a full-term still-born baby. There were heart tones and everything up until a few hours before the delivery. I cannot imagine how hard that would be to go through an entire pregnancy and labor and then go home with nothing but a heavy and aching heart. This couple was from upper Michigan, so they drove 5 hours to our unit to deliver this baby. We had 4 babies the night before their discharge, so I was able to go into their room and talk with them for almost an hour that night. They asked about me and what I was doing and they wished me all the luck in the world with nursing (she is a nurse herself). They told me that just the experience that they had with me for just a few days, that I would be just fine and I would be a great nurse. While they were talking, they told me about the c-section delivery. She said that Dr. Meier allowed her husband to actually see the baby come out from her and she said that when Dr. Meier held the baby over the curtain and the baby was crying, she said that was the most beautiful sound she had heard in her entire life. She also told me about her prenatal care. She said that at the 5 month mark of her pregnancy, she had appoinments every two weeks and then at the 7 month mark, she had weekly appointments and then at 8 months, she had appointments at the clinic 2 times per week. She said that if God ever blessed them with another pregnancy, she would do it all over again in a heartbeat and she said she would do it the exact same way. She said she never complained once about having to go to the clinic so often. It is families like this that make you realize that babies are truly a gift from God. It was so nice to see a family so happy with their baby and want their baby. There are so many times that you see families that don't appreciate their babies or you know that the baby isn't going home to a good situation. It was so nice to see a family so involved and appreciative of their baby. I hope that they are blessed with another pregancy down the road, so that I can see how they are doing because they were just one of those families that you cannot possibly forget.

1 comment:

Lois said..., my dear, have chosen a great profession for yourself! What an amazing post!