Monday, September 4, 2006

10 things to do before Labor Day

Here is a short list of things we all should do before Labor Day!

  1. Hit the Beach
  2. Go to the Fair
  3. Have a picnic in a park
  4. Take a summer drive in the country
  5. Stop and smell the flowers
  6. Shop at the Farmers Market
  7. Go Camping
  8. Wet a fishing line
  9. Play ball with a kid outside
  10. Relax

1 comment:

Frostbike said...

I think I've done most of these. Let's see:

1. Hit the Beach - no, but I've swam plenty
2. Go to the Fair - twice!
3. Have a picnic in a park - sadly, no
4. Take a summer drive in the country - does going to Bemidji count? ;-)
5. Stop and smell the flowers - nope, they make me sneeze. achoo!
6. Shop at the Farmers Market - yep!
7. Go Camping - yep!
8. Wet a fishing line - nope
9. Play ball with a kid outside - yep!
10. Relax - yep!