Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Friday Nights

Paul Bunyan Amusement Park & Friday Nights

I remember Dale & I taking our kids to the waterfront on Friday nights because it was not only a fun night for the kids, but the price was right. We bought 10 tickets for $1 & the kids got to ride for about an hour or more. Then the price went up...10 tickets for $1.50! I thought it was cheap when our kids were young. I think we celebrated Alicia & Katie's birthday one year at the Park...we rented a video camera & captured it on tape.
But, another wonderful thing happened on those Friday nights. While the kids were riding, the parents were visiting with each other, so an enjoyable night was had by all.
I loved the ferris wheel, too, because of the view. I also remember when we ate "Herb's Popcorn," and watched the Bemidji Belle dock.
And, this is going way back, but I also remember when they had the "bunyan bikes" & people pedaled around on the lake.
Another era put to rest...a bittersweet time for our community.

1 comment:

Gary Lamon said...

I used to Launch the "bunyan bike" when I worked for Don Holms. He had the arnival before it was a carnival.